Spirit Radio-the Paranormal Experience
Join your hosts Willy Hassell and Lynne Nickerson for a weekly radio show covering all subjects of the paranormal world with weekly guests from around the world. Ghosts, spirits, UFOs, alien encounters, bigfoot. This is the show where the paranormal becomes the normal. So join us on a journey into the unknown the unseen the unthinkable.
274 episodes
Mary Joyce
This month's guest is Mary Joyce. skyshipsovercashiers.comMary joins us to talk about her latest book Spy in the Sky: Secrets and Cover- ups on Earth and Beyond.
Christopher Brown psychic medium
Psychic medium Christopher Brown joins us to discuss his life as a medium. He does readings for some audience members.
Willy Miranda
This month on the show we welcome Willy Miranda, host of The Paradigm Matrix Radio Show on KCOR Radio Las Vegas, Nv.
The Paranormal Couple
This month on the show we are happy to welcome, The Paranormal Couple, Cody Ray DesBiens and Satori Hawes.
Sam Baltrusis
This month on the show, author and producer for Travel Channel's A Haunting, Sam Baltrusis.
Paranormal investigator David Childers.
This month's guest is Paranormal Investigator and television personality David Childers.
Season 7
Episode 2
Talking Bigfoot with Dave McCullough
This month's guest is Bigfoot researcher Dave McCullough.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 11-27-19 Al Santariga
This week on the show we are happy to welcome back our good friend Al Santariga. Al fills us in on some of his alien encounters as well as cryptid sightings.
Spirit Radio - the paranormal Experience 11-6-19 Mary Joyce
This week on the show we are pleased to welcome once again Mary Joyce. Mary is the author of several books on paranormal. She is also the editor of the website skyshipsovercashiers.com This week she joins us to talk about Bigfoot.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 10-24-19 The hat Man
Tonight on Spirit Radio our guest is Kyle Jay Macias. Kyle is an independent Video producer, his latest project is The Hat Man: Documented Cases of Pure Evil.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 19-16-19 Donna Hanley
Tonight's guest, Soul Healing Medium Donna Hanley.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 10-9-19 Rob Stewart.
This week's guest hypnotist Rob Stewart and surprise special guest ken Owens.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 10-2-19 Dylan Jones
Tonight our in studio guest is Dylan Jones.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 9-25-19 Aleksandar Petakov
Documentary filmaker Aleksandar Petakov joins us to talk cryptozoology.
Spirit radio - the Paranormal Experience 9-18-19 Robin Bellamy Mothman
Tonight's guest Robin Bellamy Mothman researcher.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 9-11-19 Matt Adams
Tonight's guest Matt Adams, director North East's HIstorical Stone Sites Investigations and Explorations.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 9-4-19 Al Santariga
Tonight on the show we welcome back our good friend Al Santariga from the Bronxville Paranormal Society. Al joins us this week to update us on some of his recent investigations.
Spirit Radio - the Paranormal Experience 8-7-19 Donna Hanley.
This week's guest is Donna Hanley. Donna is a soul healing medium and she joins us iin the studio to talk about her work and take phone calls from our listeners.
Spirit Radio - theParanormal Experience 7-31-19 Nomar Slevik
Tonight's guest Nomar Slevik, author of Otherworldly Encounters: Evidence of UFO Encounters and Abductions. Nomar is also the writer and producer of the new film Otherworldly Amor. And thank you to our surprise drop in guest Mike Stevens.